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life vantage


Description: LifeVantage specializes in the cutting-edge field of nutrigenomics, focusing on the activation of the body’s cellular functions as related to aging. Understanding that wellness is deeply encoded within your DNA, they offer solutions aimed at activating these genetic potentials to optimize cellular health. As we age, our cells require more than just basic nourishment; they need specific activation to maintain and enhance their defense systems. LifeVantage offerings are designed to turn back the clock by rejuvenating cellular health at a fundamental level, going beyond what typical supplements provide.

Key Products/Services: Advanced nutrigenomic products focused on cellular health activation, age-related wellness, and optimizing the body’s natural defense systems.

doctor bag

DSS Orders for BestU Health Boutique

Description: This portal provides an exclusive selection of supplements recommended by health professionals. With a focus on safety and efficacy, DSS Orders ensures that all supplements meet stringent quality standards.

Key Products/Services: Professional-grade supplements for digestive health, cognitive enhancement, and nutritional balance.

calroy health


Description: Calroy Health Sciences is dedicated to advancing health through science-based nutritional supplements. Their products are designed to address specific health concerns using clinically tested ingredients.

Key Products/Services: Heart health, cholesterol management, and anti-inflammatory supplements.



Description: WellProz is dedicated to providing advanced lab testing services, facilitating a deeper understanding of your personal health needs and gut health. Their focus on detailed, accurate, and comprehensive lab tests ensures you receive the insights needed to tailor your health strategies effectively.

Key Products/Services: Comprehensive lab tests including gut health, micronutrient deficiencies, and mycotoxin burden assessment.

wizard services

Wizard Services

Wizard Sciences specializes in high-performance supplements aimed at enhancing physical and mental performance.

Key Products/Services: Their products focus on promoting vitality, longevity, and recovery, using advanced scientific formulations. These supplements are designed for anyone looking to gain a competitive edge in sports or improve overall health and wellbeing


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