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Boost, Rehydrate & Enhance Your Overall Wellness

IV Therapy is a method of administering medicines, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are necessary for your body to function correctly. IV infusion provides a concentrated, quick, effective, and safe method because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and avoids malabsorption barriers.

Concierge Services are available for an additional $75 to travel to you.


IV Infusions & Injectables

We offer a variety of advanced IV therapy solutions to help you nourish your body, eliminate toxins, and restore your nutrient levels. Our IV infusion and injectable formulas will have you feeling rejuvenated quickly.


NAD / Meta Boost
  • Anti-aging
  • Improves Mental Clarity
  • Alertness
  • Concentration
  • Memory
  • Athletic Endurance


Healing & Restoration

Decrease recovery time and enhance your overall performance


Healing Oxygen Treatment

Rid your body of toxins and bolster your metabolism rate


Feminine Relief (Alleviate PMS Symptoms)

Minimize bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort, and alleviate back pain


Hydro Amp (Rehydrate)

Hydrate, combat fatigue, and ease hangover headaches, nausea, and dehydration.


Immune Boost

Boost your immune system, feel better faster


Brain Power Infusion

Improve cognitive function & memory and relieve brain fog


Myers (Overall Wellness)

Immune system strengthening, anti-aging, optimal athletic performance and recovery, metabolism, hangover and headache relief, cold and flu symptoms, chronic fatigue, brain fog


Normal Saline Hydrate

Provides fluid and electrolytes which are essential components of blood volume. Rehydrate and flush lactic acid.


Hangover Detox

Ease hangover, headache, nausea and dehydration. Available for concierge service, will come to you


Glutathione (Master Antioxidant)

Boosts energy, anti-aging, detoxifies and improves athleticism, turns carbs into energy, decreases the accumulation of fat, and lightens skin


Ascorbic Acid

Important in building collagen, protecting from cell damage, and essential for skin, teeth, bone, cartilage, and vascular walls


Glam & Glow (Inner Beauty)

Fight acne, wrinkles, and tired skin from the inside out


Sports Pump

Burn fat, feel energized, boost your metabolism, help relieve jet lag, replenish fatigue and stress from the wear and tear of travel and life

IV Infusion Add-Ons:

Toradol • Benadryl • Zofran • B12 • Vitamin C • Glutathione • Fat Burner

Discover the BestU Health Boutique Difference

BestU Health Boutique is a personalized, customized experience, not just a service.

We pride ourselves on listening to our client’s needs, using careful considerations to create a customized concoction that will address individual concerns. Whether you’re looking for a better method of hydration, recovery from a night out, or a more efficient way of supplying your body with a proper level of nutrients, IV therapy is the modern solution to all these goals and much more

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation