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Shop Some of Sharon’s Favorites

Arterosil HP

Arterosil HP

Clinically proven to protect and restore the endothelial glycocalyx— for improved cardiovascular health and blood flow.

Your blood vessels have a micro-thin gel lining called the endothelial glycocalyx. The glycocalyx protects and regulates the entire endothelium and is therefore the foundation of vascular health. It inhibits cholesterol and other harmful particles from adhering to or penetrating the endothelial wall. This critical and delicate structure can be compromised by many common conditions, such as high blood glucose, oxidative stress, inflammation, aging, and several health conditions.

Arterosil supports normal endothelial function, promotes a healthy heart, improves blood flow, and helps maintain blood pressure in the normal range.* Arterosil also helps support normal erectile function in men.*

Arterosil is a patent-pending formulation containing specialized sulfated polysaccharides derived from a rare seaweed. Daily use of Arterosil is clinically proven to protect and restore the endothelial glycocalyx.

Chlorella Chlorophyll

Chlorella Chlorophyll

It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. It has been seen to help in the growth and repair of tissues. Chlorophyll helps in neutralizing the pollution that we breathe in and take in every day – a good supplement for smokers. It efficiently delivers magnesium and helps the blood in carrying the much needed oxygen to all cells and tissues. It is also found to
be useful in assimilating and chelating calcium and other heavy minerals. It had been seen to have good potential in stimulating red blood cells to improve oxygen supply. Along with other vitamins such as A, C, and E, chlorophyll has been seen to help neutralize free radicals that do damage to healthy cells. Chlorophyll is also an effective deodorizer to reduce bad breath, urine, fecal waste, and body odor. It may reduce the ability of carcinogens to bind with the DNA in different major organs in the body.

Chlorophyll may be useful in treating calcium oxalate stone ailments. It can be used to treat infected wounds naturally. These are only a few of the multitude of benefits that chlorophyll can do to the body. It has antimutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties so that it may be helpful in protecting your body against toxins and in reducing drug side effects.

Digestive Enzymes Plus

Digestive Enzymes Plus

Digestive Enzymes are pancreatic enzymes to aid in digestion and support pancreatic function. It breaks down lactic acids which help with inflammatory conditions. It assists with diabetic, hypoglycemic, and parasitic issues.

Digestizyme Plus

Digestizyme Plus

Digestizyme Plus™ has a comprehensive blend of enzymes to support digestive health, featuring ox bile and pancreatin to optimize the breakdown of fats, as well as proteins and carbohydrates.



Gastrozyme™ combines digestive enzymes combined with stomach-soothing herbs and probiotics make this the ultimate blend for gastrointestinal comfort and health.



Hormones become deficient as our body ages and these deficiencies are one of the root causes of all the diseases and symptoms of aging. So treating these deficiencies along with healthy lifestyle is the secret to living long and well. but of all the hormones that our body depends on, there is one particular hormone that stands out above all others. Melatonin. Two major causes of the degenerative disease and aging process are oxidant stress and inflammation. Melatonin helps decrease inflammation and control oxidant stress, thus helping to lengthen the lifespan and reduce risks of becoming sick. Melatonin may be the most effective anti-aging supplement you can take.

The key features

  • Encourages healthy sleep cycle
  • Supports vigorous immune system response
  • Promotes healthy aging
  • Assist with optimal hormone balance
  • Aids optimal brain and neurological health


Methylfol is a blend of methylfolate and methyl-B12 to support mood and cardiovascular health by assisting healthy methylation.

O3 Assist Formula

O3 Assist Formula

O3 Assist is designed to support mitochondrial function in 5 ways:

  • NAD precursors*
  • Pyruvate Dehydrogenase stimulators*
  • Methylation support*
  • Citric Acid Cycle support*
  • ADP precursor*


Inner Body & Colon Cleanse:

Supports cleansing and detoxification of the inner body and colon to help enhance the absorption of food, vitamins, and minerals and optimize weight loss. Now with probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus & Bifidobacterium bifidum.*


  • Promotes regular elimination*
  • Helps reduce bloating*
  • Enhances weight loss success*

All Natural Cleanse and Detox:

Reneú is an inner body and colon cleanse designed to help cleanse and detoxify the intestinal system.*
Reneú promotes digestive health by helping to cleanse the intestinal system, which enhances the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts, optimizing weight loss and improving your health and wellness.*
Reneú also helps reduce the uncomfortable feeling of abdominal bloating and the unsightly swollen appearance of your waistline.*

D3 125 MCG

D3 125 MCG

D3 125 MCG (5,000 I.U.) provides a high dose of this sunshine vitamin to support immune, mood, and bone health.

The FDA has updated the units for vitamin D: 1 microgram of vitamin D equals 40 IU.

Now in an easy-to-swallow softgel for better patient compliance.

With great health benefits throughout the body: Supports healthy bone composition. Critical for normal immune activity.



The zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure, rare among minerals in that it carries a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins are then carried safely and harmlessly out of the body through normal elimination channels. Zeolites are minerals that have a micro-porous structure, having formed where volcanic rocks and ash reacted with alkaline groundwater. Zeolite minerals are negatively charged allowing them to exchange positively charged particles with surrounding elements without losing their structure. Therefore, zeolite crystals act as sponges absorbing free radicals, carcinogens, and viral particles. Its unique methods complement existing nutritional supplements. Zeolite is a unique antioxidant. Traditional antioxidants absorb free radicals whereas zeolite traps free radicals in its structure, inactivating and eliminating them. Therefore it is complementary to other antioxidants. Because zeolite is a negatively charged mineral it naturally attracts heavy toxins (which are positively charged) and traps them in its cage-like structure. This includes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins. Zeolite balances PH levels, establishing levels between 7.35 + 7.45, the optimum PH for the human body. Zeolite is on the US Government GRAS (generally recognized as safe).

ozone oil

Ozone Oil

Contains a Higher Concentration of Ozone than all others!

Organic Virgin cold pressed Olive Oil with UltraPure Ozone.

No filers, no stabilizers, no perfumes, no chemicals.

Just UltraPure Contaminant Free Ozone and Olive Oil.

Put it on Wounds, Cuts, Scrapes, Bites, Rash, anything you want!……. and let it do its magic! The “Put it on Everything” Oil! A little goes a long way…

Since it requires less ozonated oil to provide you with maximal benefits, a jar of BestU’s Ozonated Olive Oil will last most customers far longer than any other jar of ozonated olive oil on the market…and provide better results!.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation