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About BestU Health Boutique

BestU Health Boutique is an aesthetics health practice specializing in regenerative wellness. We are committed to being your best well-being advocate by providing individualized programs to build your healthspan and guide you to be the best version of yourself. We merge innovative services and models that break the barrier at the cellular level. Our goals are to promote beauty, optimize the aging process, assist in identifying health struggles, and provide a roadmap toward a healthier way of life.

Services offered include IV therapy, anti-aging treatments such as cellular support and microcurrent neurofeedback as well as aesthetic procedures such as Botox and fillers. These services are designed to help you look and feel great while building balance in your health state.

Contact us today to learn more about our health services and discover the modern solution to feeling your best on the inside and out.


Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to help you become the best version of yourself by enhancing the spiritual, mental, and physical facets of well-being. We create balance and boost vitality with state-of-the-art treatments that promote healing, build the immune system, minimize inflammation and rejuvenate the body to reduce the signs of aging.

Our primary focus is your health. If we can help you live better, feel younger, and achieve a happier way of life, we can guide you both physically and spiritually. With a personalized health blueprint from BestU Health Boutique, you’ll receive proactive and personalized treatments that boost your energy levels and overall vitality while enhancing your appearance. We utilize your individual energetic blueprint to thoughtfully guide the healing process and provide balance to your health state.

From IV therapy and cellular rejuvenation to aesthetic procedures and even weight-loss counseling, we have the services you need to begin your journey of better health, well-being, balance, and vitality. When you walk through our door, you can be assured that we will be personally invested in your health transformation.

Our Team


Sharon M. LaBrocca

MSN, APRN, FNP – Board Certified

Sharon received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree at Hunter College State University of New York in 1992. Sharon practiced as a nurse for 22 years before obtaining a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Nevada in 2014. Her experience with congenital heart defects influenced her publication in the Home Health Care Management & Practice Magazine, addressing the management of an adult patient with congenital heart disease. Her practice spans the pediatric to the geriatric population and promotes respect and dignity for individuals of all ages. Her philosophy: “Basic human connections linked by flexibility and humor in a world of stress and hurdles impact human kindness, which leads to growth, satisfaction, and genuine happiness.”

Throughout her role as a nurse practitioner, Sharon realized a consistency with a decline in people’s health. This involved the aging process and its relationship with health outcomes. Even more specifically, disease processes had a direct connection to emotional or mental issues combined with nutritional compromise, which eventually leads to worsening disease states. She has always believed in the spirit or energy as a driving force for health, wellness, and existence and took an immersive dive into learning more about how energy and biology correlated.

After studying more deeply on alternative approaches to the health management of the adult population, she created BestU Health Boutique to address core issues of aging and disease. Extensive scientific research studies elucidate the effects of stress on your body, psyche, skin, and overall aging. By keeping an emotional balance, healthy diet, and positive attitude, your skin and demeanor can reflect that story. A deeper thought is that your skin simply reflects the story of what is happening within your body. Therefore, if your skin appears dry, what do you suppose is happening to your organs? These ideas and ruminations were the genesis of BestU Health Boutique’s anti-aging principles and my desire to offer a truly holistic health approach in helping my clients reach their health goals.

Sharon's Story

Sharon was born in Jamaica and migrated to NYC as a teen. She has been married for 25 years, moving to Nevada in 2005 with her husband and four children. She considers herself a “foodie,” loves to travel, and enjoys exquisite cuisines from across the globe. She is inspired by languages and enjoys speaking Spanish. She has a passion for music, loves to dance, and is an avid fan of movies of different genres.

“Throughout my years, I’ve always been asked why I haven’t appeared to age. Although I do get older, it appears to my friends and family that I’ve not aged nearly much. It is sometimes excused as genetic lottery winning. That myth discounts the ongoing work of effort and research I have placed into my youthfulness. Ask anyone I’ve encountered, and my answer is always, “My secret to appearing more youthful is to let your light shine bright and never stop smiling.” Plus, I exercise, take lots of supplements, wash my face before bed, use products, etc. I don’t mean for people to go around grinning like clowns. I mean smiling in every sense of positivity and appreciation for all that’s good around us. Let’s recognize how wonderful we all can be, embracing life, happiness, and doing our best when times get tough.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation