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Functional Testing at BestU Health Boutique

We employ advanced technology called Qest4 to detect and recognize energetic and regulatory imbalances within your system. Functional disruptions affect a majority of patients (over 70%) in general practice, even when conventional tests fail to identify specific issues. Disease begins with a pre-clinical phase, characterized by functional imbalances resulting from the organism’s inability to adapt to environmental changes. Our approaches effectively identify and address pre-clinical disorders, symptoms, and can potentially reverse deterioration. Typically, three to twelve visits are needed to fully restore optimal health, with each visit yielding noticeable improvements in health and symptom reduction.

lady smiling

Testing Is Noninvasive and Painless

We use electrodes, passing a microamp current through the body’s meridian pathways, capturing data from access points on the hands. These pathways have been validated using radioactive isotope imaging. The current’s flow through organs, glands, or systems reveals their functional status. Deviations from defined health parameters can be readily detected. This assessment provides an energetic-level understanding of your body’s functioning. Identified problem areas are then pre-screened for potential therapeutic options. The system sends representative electromagnetic signatures of remedies to the body and measures its response, aiding in the selection of suitable interventions based on individual reactions.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation