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Microcurrent Neurofeedback at BestU Health Boutique

IASIS MCN is an incredibly valuable tool that helps restore balance and relaxation to the nervous system. Through ultra-microstimulation, it effectively reduces the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system, which tends to be hyperactive. Instead, it promotes rest and recovery by supporting the calming aspect of our nervous system, known as the parasympathetic system. Consequently, individuals often experience a profound sense of calmness and equilibrium even after just one session of IASIS MCN. Notably, practices such as meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, and treatments like IASIS MCN all share a common feature—they facilitate enduring and transformative changes by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system. Clients with anxiety, depression, insomnia and headaches have reported getting relief from this treatment.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation