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Trigger Point Injection at BestU Health Boutique

Trigger point injection (TPI) is a medical procedure used to treat painful muscle knots or trigger points. Trigger points are tight bands of muscle fibers that can cause localized pain, stiffness, and referred pain to other areas of the body. TPI involves the injection of a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine or prolocaine, directly into the trigger point to alleviate pain and promote muscle relaxation.

lady smiling

How Does Trigger Point Injections Work?

We identify the trigger point through physical examination or by palpating the affected area. The skin is cleaned and sterilized, and then a small needle is inserted into the trigger point. The anesthetic solution is injected, which helps numb the area, reduce inflammation, and release muscle tension.

The injection is typically quick and relatively painless. After the injection, clients may experience immediate relief or a reduction in pain and muscle tension.

The Benefits of TPI

TPI can be beneficial for various conditions associated with trigger points, including myofascial pain syndrome, tension headaches, fibromyalgia, and muscle spasms. It is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include physical therapy, stretching exercises, and lifestyle modifications.

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