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Skin Tightening (Plexr)

We are proud to introduce PLEXR, an advanced treatment used for skin tightening and rejuvenation. PLEXR is a device that uses technology based on plasma to replace the need for surgery. It is referred to as soft surgery and delivers results that are similar to those achieved through the use of surgery. PLEXR is non-invasive, bloodless, reliable, and safe. The results achieved last as long as they would from invasive surgery with less downtime and operative scars. Say goodbye to droopy eyelids with this advanced skin-tightening solution.

lady smiling

Morpheus8 Skin Tightening

Unlock youthful, radiant skin with our cutting-edge Morpheus8 treatments. Using advanced microneedling technology combined with radiofrequency energy, Morpheus8 remodels the dermal and subdermal tissues, offering unparalleled skin tightening and collagen building.

This innovative treatment is perfect for those seeking to improve skin laxity, fine lines, static wrinkles, and texture issues. Additionally, Morpheus8 is effective in reducing scars, including surgical, traumatic, and acne scarring. It also targets jowling, submental fullness, and small fatty deposits in the body.
Experience the benefits of this versatile treatment for skin laxity in various areas such as the thighs, abdomen, and arms. Book your appointment today and discover how Morpheus8 and Define can help you achieve a firmer, smoother, and more youthful look.

Define Cheek, Chin and Jawline Contouring – Transform Your Look With the Define System

The Define System with Cheek and Chin Applicators offers a comprehensive solution for facial rejuvenation. Indicated for the temporary relief of minor muscle aches, pain, and muscle spasms, it also enhances local blood circulation. This treatment boosts collagen production, contours the jawline, chin, and cheeks, and effectively eliminates jowls and double chin through lipolysis.

Experience the benefits of skin tightening, reduced pore size, and a more defined and sculpted appearance. Achieve a snatched jawline, reduced fine lines, improved skin texture, and overall facial rejuvenation. Contour your face, neck, chin, cheeks, and jawline for a youthful and radiant look.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation