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NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme which aids in cellular function to maintain life’s threshold, it supports the body’s metabolism. It helps fuel the cells in order to use oxygen needed to function. As we age the number of NAD present in the body begins to decline. Premature aging symptoms can occur due to an insufficient level of NAD, this also can cause chronic illnesses. Symptoms of brain fog, low energy level, mood disorder and low level of enthusiasm could be a result of declining NAD levels. If these levels continue to decline your body will start to malfunction and lose their ability to perform necessary tasks.  When cells lose their ability to produce energy they die. Think of it as holding your breath and slowly dying as your low oxygen supply results in a hypoxic state. This occurs in systems in our body like the heart and is called a heart attack. In the brain it’s labeled a stroke. In the global body systems it is death. If our cells fail to function well, then our DNA fails to replicate properly thereby creating conditions such as cancer, mental disorders, autoimmune diseases among many other emerging illnesses.

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